Thanksgiving Break
Students return Monday, December 2, 2019
K-12 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Students do not attend school this day. Parents are encouraged to schedule an appointment with one their child’s teachers. Information will be sent out by email/Quid Novi closer to event […]
Fall Break
Students return on Wednesday, October 16th.
School of Rhetoric Block Exams, 12:15 dismissal
1st Quarter Ends, Pre-K-8th grades 12:00 dismissal
Labor Day-No School
Tears and Cheers, 8:00-8:45 am
Join Headmaster Heaton and Mrs. Patterson in the Library for coffee and danish after dropping off the kids.
First Day of School, 8:00 am- Noon Dismissal for Pre-K, Kindergarten & First Grade Only
Character Matters Now
Wow! The last several weeks have driven home to me a singular truth. Character matters. And what is character? Someone quipped, “Character is who you are when you are by […]