Theology: The Queen of the Sciences

In the picture above, the seven liberal arts, pictured as maidens, are each shown holding an object that identifies them. By the fourth century of the Christian era, the liberal […]

Christian School: What Does That Mean?

Part 3 of a series by John Heaton, Headmaster In the twenty-five years from 1960 to the mid-80s, there was an explosion of Christian schools across the country. The first […]

Christian School: What Does That Mean?

Part 2 of a series by John Heaton, Headmaster In our last QUID NOVI I discussed the rise of Christian schools in the last half of the 20th century. (If […]

Christian School: What Does That Mean?

Part 1 of a series by John Heaton, Headmaster The first thing that comes to mind when I think about Christian education is that I am a product of it. […]

The High Calling of Craftsmanship

Little known to most people, even many students of the Bible, are the men and women who were engaged in the construction of the very first House for God in […]

Personal Responsibility

This sign is pretty funny. It made the rounds on Facebook, and while I probably wouldn’t post it at New Covenant, I sympathize with its message. First, let’s admit it: […]