Education and Technology

Social Media Guidelines

In the fall, 2015, I submitted a master’s thesis to Hollins University entitled Education in Context of Student-Accessed, Digital and Applied Technology.  I have since created a seminar based on this research which I have presented at accrediting agencies (SACS/CASI – AdvancED) and at the Society for Classical Learning.  This seminar, of course, has been immediately […]

Baumol’s Cost Disease: Why Tuition Increases the Way It Does

I experience much discomfort at the oft-heard contention—by no means a new one—that tuition increases faster than inflation and faster than the growth of family incomes. A common conclusion from these paired facts—and they are facts—is that this cannot be sustainable. What are we to make of this? The primary economic force to be accounted for in […]

Personal Responsibility

This sign is pretty funny. It made the rounds on FaceBook, and while I probably wouldn’t post it at New Covenant, I sympathize with its message.  First, let’s admit it:  kids forget stuff.  In grammar school parents pack their children’s backpacks and lunches carefully so if something is left out, it’s usually mom’s fault.  By […]

Privilege and Protection: Monitoring Your Child’s Phone

It’s become increasingly common for parents of students as young as fourth and fifth grades to provide phones for their children. While I have opinions about this matter for my family, I’m not advising you on when it’s appropriate for yours. When­ever you decide that a phone is right for your child, be aware that […]

A Sample Phone Contract

Do you need more control with your child when it comes to phones?  Consider using a “Phone Contract” with your student.  Here is an example that might help you have a conversation with that child who really wants a phone: Phone Contract  

Rigor, not Mortis: Supporting Students in the Hard Months

It’s predictable and it happens every year.  Our friends at Independent School Management (ISM) have studied and documented it.  February and March tend to be hard months for students, teachers, and parents alike. The trend goes this way:  In late August and September, spirits are high as students rejoin friends at school after a long […]

Taking the Next Step

It’s the time of year in which our seniors are applying to colleges. At New Covenant we’ve always taken the approach that a college is a fit to be made, not a trophy to be won. Parents and students alike suffer from a bit of anxiety as they investigate their options for that next step. […]

Benign Technology: Thoughts on Social Media

On Monday, October 26, Dr. Jennifer Cline presented research on social media during professional development with our faculty. Later that day she summarized her presentation for parents in our school community. What follows is a brief overview of her remarks as summarized by Headmaster, John Heaton. Social media are all about us and are here […]

Speak Up | Grow Up

“…speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way…” St. Paul Speaking up is part of growing up. This came through loud and clear at a recent parent meeting with Dr. Jennifer Cline, a clinical psychologist who has done research on social media and its effects on young people. She researched […]