Three Great Untruths We Should Avoid Teaching Our Children Part 3

At our 2019 Convocation, Headmaster Heaton addressed, “Three Great Untruths* We Should Avoid Teaching our Children.” This article is based upon notes from that address. You can read the first two parts of this series in previous posts, or listen to the whole address on the Headmaster’s blog at We sometimes teach our children […]

Community Lecture Series

Our Community Lecture Series on October 17, 2019 featured Dr. Tamara Long from Abilene Christian University. Dr. Tamara Long worked with faculty and students, speaking to us on “Helping Students Realize their Potential: Understanding Core Strengths That Influence Student Learning and Development” Dr. Tamara Long, currently serves at the Vice President for Enrollment Management at Abilene […]

Three Great Untruths, pt 2

We often teach our children things that we don’t intend.   In the previous article in this series, we examined the first “Untruth” we unconsciously teach -that children are fragile.  We noted that, rather than benefitting from being protected or rescued from the stresses of life, children actually grow stronger if they are required to manage […]

Three Great Untruths, Part 1

We sometimes teach our children things that we don’t intend. When I was a child we went to the beach often because Daytona was only about an hour away. My mother would routinely warn me about the undertow, you know, that current that pulls at your legs when you’re standing in the surf. It frightened […]

It Ain’t Funny

It Ain’t Funny Rereading Reinhold Niebuhr’s essay Humor and Faith reminds me that humor is the exclusive domain of human beings.  While my dog demonstrates noticeable “joy” when I take her to my office off leash, and while she is often amusing to me, I never mistake her behaviors for human humor. Humor is one […]

Growing Up, Growing Old, and Good-bye’s

Growing Up, Growing Old, and Good-bye’s You likely do not know the work of Julia Kasdorf. I didn’t either until recently. She’s a published poet, though I think not particularly famous – okay, famous enough to have a Wikipedia entry, which three published volumes of poetry might earn. I like a few of her poems. […]

A Fit To Be Made, Not A Trophy To Be Had

A FIT TO BE MADE NOT A TROPHY TO BE HAD by Stacey Hester, Director of Guidance The recent unfolding of scandalous conduct on the college admissions front is saddening. It is not entirely shocking, however. Americans place enormous weight and value on the “admit decision” to the right college. But what if that prestigious […]

Time to Garden

This spring students in grammar and middle school have had the new opportunity to start cool weather garden plants in their classrooms.  Using special seed trays and white lights, the children planted spinach, lettuce and other greens before leaving for Spring Break.  Now that they have returned their plantings have germinated and are ready to […]

The Final Exam is Breath-taking!

New Covenant students spent Spring Break in Cozumel, MX diving the great reef.  Each was dive-certified (PADI) after taking a semester-long course in marine biology last fall.  The trip is part of New Covenant’s foreign study program. This particular course is science-based, but other trips center around ancient history (Rome), literature (Paris/London) and Christian faith […]