A Festival Of Nine Lessons & Carols

Please join us for an evening of beautiful music to celebrate the advent season. A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols Thursday, December 12, 2019  7:00 pm Hyland Heights Baptist Church, Lynchburg, VA Featuring New Covenant’s combined orchestra, band, and choirs in grades 5 – 12 under the direction of Mr. Joseph Nigro, Dr. Monty […]

Happiness: An Ancient Pursuit

We all want to be happy. Though we might try to hide this fact, or perhaps feel guilty of the desire, a good portion of our energies are dedicated to the pursuit of happiness. Those of us that are a little shy about it need only to look to the Declaration of Independence as justification […]

Three Ingredients For Success In School

Dr. Long speaks

I have watched hundreds of young people walk the halls of New Covenant from kindergarten to graduation. They move on to the next chapter of their lives ready, I hope, to succeed at their next endeavor. Listening to Dr. Tamara Long, our guest last week at the Community Lecture Series, I was struck by her […]

Dr. Paul McClure To Speak To The School of Rhetoric

The School of Rhetoric will have the pleasure of hearing Dr. Paul McClure speak to them on November 13th at 1:10 pm. in the Moomaw Gymnasium. His topic will be, “Identity, Conformity, and Technology in a Rapidly Changing World.” We are honored to have Mr. McClure invest his time in our students on this most […]

New Covenant Schools Celebrate Poetry

Each fall we celebrate and enjoy the gift of poetry. Our students discover a love of the written language, an greater understanding of language is fostered, and the ability to speak eloquently is formed.  We congratulate the finalists, and Jefferson Cup winners on their hard work! Grammar School Poetry Recital- Thursday, October 10 at 6:30 […]

iHistory Welcomes Navy Vets for Veterans’ Day

On November 11, 2019 New Covenant will host three retired Navy officers at a Veterans’ Day Assembly.  iHistory is a program that brings grandparents and friends of the school – people who lived history – to tell their stories.  Our guests (l to r) are Cpt Michael Connolly, Commander Michael Reeves, and Cpt Neil Bohnert.  These men […]

Bon Appetit! When Poetry is the Feast

The following post was contributed by faculty members, Kathryn Martin and Starlet Baker, after attending a lecture hosted by the Trinity Forum in Washington D.C. Poet Dana Gioia, the former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, was the key-note speaker. This lecture was one in a three part series entitled Art, Faith, and […]

Poetry – What Siri Cannot Understand, But Humans Should

The following post was contributed by faculty members, Kathryn Martin and Starlet Baker, after attending a lecture hosted by the Trinity Forum in Washington D.C. Poet Dana Gioia, the former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, was the key-note speaker. His lecture was one in a three part series entitled Art, Faith, and […]

New Research on Classroom Tech

New Covenant administrative staff continuously reviews the place of technology in our pedagogy and curriculum. In recent years we have surveyed our graduates in college who have given very specific feedback on the computer skills they felt they needed to make the transition to the collegiate setting. This resulted in the development of specific objectives […]

Three Great Untruths, pt 3

We sometimes teach our children things we don’t intend. These are “untruths” that can hamper effective parenting and classroom instruction. The third untruth is that the world is structured as “us vs. them.” This untruth relies upon an assumption that human beings are hard-wired to be tribal, with one group competing with other groups, sometimes […]