4th Quarter Report Cards will be sent via email from Renweb/FACTS SIS to parents
Rising 2nd-5th, 9am-2pm Registration Closed
4pm-6pm, SoR Lounge
Rising 1st-7th Grades, 9am-11am Rising 8th-12th Grades, 11:30am-1pm
Rising 5th-9th Grades 9am-12pm
Risiing 1st-7th Grades, 9am-11:00am Rising 8th-12th, 11:30am-1pm
Rising 1st-7th Grades, 9am-11am Rising 8th-12th, 11:30-1pm
Rising 1st-7th Grades, 9am-11am Rising 8th-12th Grades, 11:30am-1pm