iHistory Guest – Ken Kowalski

We want to thank Mr. Kowalski (left) for taking time to come speak to the junior class on Tuesday, March 13, 2019 as part of the iHistory initiative. Mr. Kowalski, […]

Thinking About Critical Thinking

During a recent professional development day, the faculty hosted Dan Willingham, Phd, a leading cognitive psychologist from the University of Virginia. Dr. Willingham’s work with the faculty was extensive, and we […]

Why Study Dead Languages

Because of our own language’s profound debt to the Latin, the young student of Latin can begin to “translate” English, often without the need of a dictionary. A working knowledge […]

Quid Novi Archive

Quid Novi is the newsletter of New Covenant Schools. Find the latest editions below.

The Challenge of a Secular Age

We live in a secular age. Charles Taylor, in his massive book which bears the above title, poses the question, “How is it that 500 years ago it was almost impossible […]