New Research on Classroom Tech

New Covenant administrative staff continuously reviews the place of technology in our pedagogy and curriculum. In recent years we have surveyed our graduates in college who have given very specific […]

Three Great Untruths, pt 3

We sometimes teach our children things we don’t intend. These are “untruths” that can hamper effective parenting and classroom instruction. The third untruth is that the world is structured as […]

Three Great Untruths, pt 2

We often teach our children things that we don’t intend.   In the previous article in this series, we examined the first “Untruth” we unconsciously teach -that children are fragile.  We […]

It Ain’t Funny

It Ain’t Funny Rereading Reinhold Niebuhr’s essay Humor and Faith reminds me that humor is the exclusive domain of human beings.  While my dog demonstrates noticeable “joy” when I take […]

Time to Garden

This spring students in grammar and middle school have had the new opportunity to start cool weather garden plants in their classrooms.  Using special seed trays and white lights, the […]

The Final Exam is Breath-taking!

New Covenant students spent Spring Break in Cozumel, MX diving the great reef.  Each was dive-certified (PADI) after taking a semester-long course in marine biology last fall.  The trip is […]

iHistory Guest – Ken Kowalski

We want to thank Mr. Kowalski (left) for taking time to come speak to the junior class on Tuesday, March 13, 2019 as part of the iHistory initiative. Mr. Kowalski, […]

Thinking About Critical Thinking

During a recent professional development day, the faculty hosted Dan Willingham, Phd, a leading cognitive psychologist from the University of Virginia. Dr. Willingham’s work with the faculty was extensive, and we […]