Time To Say Goodbye

Almost every morning I speak to little Kathleen. She is not in school yet, but she rides along most mornings with her older brother who is in kindergarten. Buckled securely […]

Predictability and Support: Two Keys to Community Success

Research from Independent School Management (ISM) shows that the two factors that correlate most closely to long-term academic success for students are a predictable environment coupled with support. Predictability means […]

Fear is Not the Companion of Caution

The military flyover at a football game makes us stand tall, and leaves us awestruck as kickoff approaches. Not so when I was a kid. Growing up in the early […]

Dr. Marcel Widzisz Joins Faculty

New Covenant Schools is pleased to announce that Dr. Marcel Widzisz (pronounced WID sis) has been invited to join the faculty as Instructor in Latin. Dr. “W” is a distinguished […]

iHistory Welcomes Navy Vets for Veterans’ Day

On November 11, 2019 New Covenant will host three retired Navy officers at a Veterans’ Day Assembly.  iHistory is a program that brings grandparents and friends of the school – […]