My child, named below, has permission to participate in the school-sponsored Athletic Events, Field Trips and Community Service Days while he/she is a student at New Covenant Schools. This permission covers the duration of his/her tenure at the school, or until otherwise agreed in writing. I understand that all school standards regarding conduct, as detailed in the Student-Parent Handbook, are in effect during each of these trips.
I understand that my child will travel to and from the off-campus sites in one of three ways:
- The New Covenant Schools vehicle driven by an employee of New Covenant Schools.
- Private vehicle driven by an employee of New Covenant Schools.
- Private vehicle driven by a parent of New Covenant Schools
I understand that the school cannot check or supervise each driver’s records or habits.
I hereby release, discharge and indemnify New Covenant Schools, its administration, staff, employees, officers, directors, coaches, volunteers, insurers, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, causes of action, liability or damages arising out of, or relating to the transportation of my child, except in the case of negligence on the part of New Covenant School.
I assure that my child has valid medical and accident insurance. In the event I cannot be reached, I give the adult representatives of the school permission to authorize emergency medical treatment.
I also authorize New Covenant Schools to bill my student account for travel and lodging charges related to overnight Athletic or other Extra-Curricular Events.