School of Dialectic (5th-8th)

Your child becomes an independent learner.

Grades 5 through 8

The crucial task for a middle school student is to become an independent learner. As high school approaches, students need the well-worn paths of study habits established a young age. MS students require more autonomy; at the same time they need routine and accountability to develop effective habits of study. 

One way we do this is by providing direct instruction  in the use of assignment books and regular meetings in advisory where instructors check students’ consistency in recording and turning in assignments or correcting returned papers.

We divide middle school into two levels, lower (5-6) and upper (7-8).  Our younger students are given intentional support as they adjust to the changes of the School of Dialectic.  Likewise, we prepare and expect our upper middle school students to develop leadership roles in many forums including Middle School Council and other opportunities.