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Week of Events
Is Winning Everything?
This article appeared in the QUID NOVI by John Maynard, Athletic Director Athletics can be a hot-button topic in a private Christian school. Sometimes I struggle to understand the perception
Setting Your Child Up for Success: Encouragement and Motivation
One of the greatest teachers I’ve ever known taught me the importance of encouragement —and its relationship to motivation—in a grammar school classroom. She embedded into each day moments of
So You Heard About the Skunk
I was returning to my office to finish a bit of work last Thursday evening. It was dark and Luna was with me as usual. As we left the parking
Setting Your Child Up for Success in School and Life: The Swinging Bridge
There’s a reason why so many stories involve journeys –walking through woods like Goldilocks, trying to get home after the Trojan Wars like Odysseus, or charging forward like the Knights
The Time of Our Lives: Ash Wednesday
Fr. Jon R. Jordan writes the post for this installment of “The Time of Our Lives” in observance of Ash Wednesday. He lives Richardson, TX with his wife, Vivian, and
The Time of Our Lives: The Baptism of the Lord
The Epistle: Romans 12: 6-16 The Gospel: St. Mark 1:1-11 The collect: Almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth; Mercifully hear the supplications of