New Covenant Schools is pleased to announce that Dr. Marcel Widzisz (pronounced WID sis) has been invited to join the faculty as Instructor in Latin. Dr. “W” is a distinguished scholar. His undergraduate degree was from Southern Illinois University where he triple-majored in philosophy, classics, and French. He went on the University of Texas where he earned the MA in Greek Literature and the PhD in Classics. He is a published scholar and has taught many years at the collegiate level including Rice University and St. John’s (Annapolis).
He comes to us from Holy Cross School which announced its closure at the end of the spring term. His passion is to teach language and literature to younger students “before it’s too late!” By all reports he will be loved by your students and a resource to our school. We have high confidence in Dr. Widzisz, and believe that our middle school students will be well-cared for by him and all of our talented faculty. Dr. W and his wife, Renee, also bring two boys to New Covenant, Julian (grade 4) and Owen (grade 8). They are excited at the prospect of becoming Gryphons, and I hope your students will welcome them.